The first open-call exhibition at the Tang Museum, For You presented artwork created by artists who have passed away, but whose work and memory continue to impact individuals in the community.
The exhibition took inspiration from local resident Bruce Ottmer, who sat on a busy Albany, New York street corner with a painting by his late wife, Clare Durani Nack. Determined to bring her art to a larger audience, but unable to find a venue to exhibit it, Ottmer decided to share the painting with passersby on the street.
Accepting all submissions from an open call, For You brought together these works in a rotating exhibition in celebration of the artists’ lives and talents. A catalogue featuring writing from participants on the artist and their work, alongside reproductions of the artworks, accompanied the exhibition.
Artists: Father Vladimir Andrushkiw, Margaret Beveridge, Arnold Bittleman, Harvey Brockley, Richard Callner, Christine Carey, Hope Hildreth Humpherys Deal, Frances DeGroot, Thyra Ekwall, Louis H. Epstein, William Arthur Fanning, Miriam Fleisher, Will Geiger, Mally Hennig, Charles Leroy Inscho, Dorothy Janosy, James Jira, Gayle Johnson, Lucy Kettlewell, James Bayles Leek, Donald L. Love, Carol Luce, Elizabeth Agnes Marshall, Louis Mastro, Claire Durani Nack, Jim E. Palmer, Shirley Panza, Otto Plaug, Henry B. Rehder, Sr, Ann M. Roberts, Jean Rowland, Marjorie Burdekin Semerad, Dorothy Stevenson, Lory Tansky, Peter Taylor, Lee Teich, Jack Tinker, William E. Van Dorn Sr, Helen Van Wyk, Will Wall, Kristi Ward, Marjorie Beach Wight, Margaret Williamson.
Installation views, For You,
courtesy Tang Teaching Museum.